Ein Set von Werkzeugen

Digital tools for your studies

Ein Set von Werkzeugen
Image: Designed by Freepik

The collection of digital tools you will find below is application-oriented and is intended to help you find the right tool to support your learning and facilitate the organization of your studies.

Which tools fit your requirements best depends on your individual learning situation and the purposes you intend to use them for.

First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the possibilities for digital studying at Friedrich Schiller University Jena provided by us for students and teaching staff alike. In addition, some departments use subject-specific tools that will be recommended in the respective courses. We also list tools from external providers (marked with a *) that are freely available online.

This list is by no means exhaustive and merely should give you some clue as to the resources available to digitally accompany your studies and learning. You are of course free to use other tools to accompany you on your digital learning journey.

Please note: If you use the external tools that are not provided by the University of Jena, this will be at your own responsibility. In this regard, we recommend that you make yourself familiar with the applicable terms of use and data protection regulations.

Organization of studies and examinations

  • In FriedolinExternal link, you can have a look at the course offer, register for courses, find initial information on how the courses are organized, and also register for exams.
  • Teachers often share course materials via the central learning platform MoodleExternal link zur Verfügung.
  • You are generally added to the Moodle rooms automatically (by registering for and being admitted to a course in Friedolin) or by your teacher. Ask your teacher whether course materials will be shared via Moodle or if there is a Moodle room for your course.
  • Currently, digital examinations regularly take place on the Exam ServerExternal link. For more detailed information on the exam procedure, please ask your teacher.
  • You can easily store your own files in the FSU CloudExternal link. This way, you can always access them. In addition, you can share certain files with your fellow students.
  • Would you like to keep track of your assignments in different courses or projects, and manage them? If so, you can use the "Tasks" feature in the FSU CloudExternal link. There, you can create lists, set due dates for tasks, and tick the tasks you have completed.

Tools supporting the learning process

  • You can use the „Deck“ feature External linkin the University Cloud for all organizational aspects of a group assignment or project. There, you can set milestones, assign tasks, and make both visually perceptible. 
  • Would you like to keep track of your assignments in different courses or projects, and manage them? If so, you can use the "Tasks" feature External linkin the University Cloud. There, you can create lists, set due dates for tasks, and tick the tasks you have completed.
  • MemuchoExternal link *is as free, web-based educational tool that allows you to check your level of knowledge in a playful manner and learn facts and vocabulary.
  • With AnkiwebExternal link *, you can create flashcards.
  • Mind42 External link*  is a mind mapping tool.

Collaborating with fellow students / tools supporting group work

  • ZoomExternal link enables a synchronous online interaction with your fellow students. By logging in with your URZ login credentials, you can create as many rooms as you would like.
  • With Only OfficeExternal link in the University cloud, you can create documents directly in the cloud, share them with others and co-edit them together, even in real-time. The files are stored on a server of the University Computer Centre. Your individual storage capacity is 10 GB.
  • The „Deck“ featureExternal link of the University cloud can help you in organizing a group work or project. You can set milestones, assign tasks, and make both visually perceptible.
  • ConceptboardExternal link *is an online whiteboard tool. Essentially, you can make virtual sticky notes, insert audio or video clips or post links. Several people can collaborate virtually (synchronously and asynchronously) by adding their ideas and comments to a joint whiteboard. The tool is ideal for collaboration, brainstorming, activation of prior knowledge, joint development of project plans as well as the collection of organizational information.
  • etherpadExternal link * is an online text editor allowing participants to work on the same document regardless of where they are, independently or simultaneously. Participants can remain anonymous or enter their names. Any changes are displayed in real time and colour-coded. You can use etherpad to write texts together with others or to collect key points for a group work.
  • With FlingaExternal link *, you can create shared whiteboards and mind maps, allowing you to construct collaborative knowledge. The free version allows you to use five boards at a time.

Reference management for your papers and theses

Screencast / video recording

  • Opencast StudioExternal link in Moodle allows every registered user to capture their screen and/or audio and video directly from their browser and share the recordings, without any additional software needed. However, you need to be assigned a special role in the Moodle course room to activate that feature. Please turn to the teacher responsible for the course.
  • MS PowerPoint External link
  • OBS Studio External link* is a free and efficient software for audio, video and screen recording.

Planning and coordinating appointments

Creating polls and surveys


If you have suggestions or requests, please use the formExternal link in the Service Desk of the Office for Digital Transformation.