old vintage telephone


These institutions will support you if you have questions about digital teaching.
old vintage telephone
Image: Designed by mrsiraphol / Freepik

Office for Digital Transformation

  • suggestions and ideas for the further development of digital teaching and assessment
  • interest in sharing experiences with digital teaching
  • questions about the strategy for digital transformation of the University of Jena

Office for Digital Transformation

Service Centre for Higher Education Didactics

  • workshops on higher education didactics and media didactics
  • coaching and consulting for your teaching
  • certificate programme media competence

Servicestelle LehreLernen

Multimedia Centre

  • recording of lectures in the lecture hall, studio for the production of videos
  • offers for the production of media
  • e-learning with Moodle

Multimedia CentreExternal link

Academy for Teaching Development

  • newsletter for teaching
  • grants and calls for proposals
  • teaching Award of the University of Jena

Academy for Teaching Development

Legal Office

  • copyright and data protection
  • legal aspects of conducting digital exams

Maximilian Koop

E-Mail: maximilian.koop@uni-jena.de

Tel: +49 3641 9-402084